Amberley Teslathon 2004


Amberley Teslathon 2004

Adrians Fretwells Coil Power arcing to a strike pole.

A long exposure of Adrians coil doing its thinng.

Arcs to at least 42"

Adrians Coil

An exhibit from the Milne collection at Amberley Museum

Amberley Museums VDG chucking foil dishes around.

Colin Heaths collection of SSTC's

Colins SSTC running !!

Colins SSTC Still Running.

Colins SSTC Still working

Bang !!! (note the cracks in the MOSFETS)

Colins collection of dead sillicon for the day.

My Collection of small coils.

My OLTC doing its Twinkle Twinkle effect

All of my Coils at Amberley

My OLTC Power arcing to Twinkle Twinkle.. (Movie 410K)

Mike Harrisons Marx giving a 1MV discharge..


Mikes Complete Marx setup.

Cambridge Teslathon 2014

Thanks to all of the coilers and visitors to this years teslathon and of course a great thank you to the Cambridge museum of technology for hosting us again.

My Coils & Stuff

Phil S’s Coil

Phil T’s Coil

Alex’s Coils

Marks Coil

Anders’s Coil and Gessler Tubes

Dave B’s Coil

John’s Coils and Equipment


Then Steve’s coil opened up a rift in the Aether and we were all sucked in. Back next year.

Kew Bridge 2011

The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser
Red Arcs from the Aetheriser
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser "wipes" a CD
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser "wipes" a CD
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser with propeller
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser with yellow sparks
Clive Announces Earls Coil
Earls Coil
Earls Magnifier
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser Wipes another CD
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser Wipes and another
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser with aetheritic lamp
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser with red and yellow arcs
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to air
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to a earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Steam engine
Steam engine
Steam engine
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier in The Steam Hall
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to flourecent tubes
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier power arcing
KBSM narrow gauge engine
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier to earthed rod

The Steam Hall at Kew Bridge (slightly fuzzy due to lens problem)

Kew Bridge Mad Science 2012

KBSM 2012

Alex Demonstrating RF audio Driven Coil
Alex's Setup
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks Display
Dereks Noah DRSSTC - killed by its own arcs
Dereks tesla coils
Two small battery powered coils
Derek Aetheriser
Dereks Aetheriser and Aetheretic lamp
Dereks Halo
The Aetheriser
The Aetheriser with rotating breakout
The Aetheriser with strontium breakout
Dereks Halo
Halo with 4 Arcs
Dereks Aetheriser
Aetherising a Win95 CD
Dereks Aetheriser
Aetherising a Win95 CD
Dereks Aetheriser
Dereks Aetheriser
Aetherising with Rotating Breakout
Dereks Halo Tesla Coil
Halo spins its breakout
Dereks Halo Tesla Coil
Halos breakout gets rather warm
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier Primary and Secondary
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier - Third Coil
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws some sparks
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more arcs
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more arcs
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more arcs
Earls Magnifer
Earls Magnifier throws more arcs
James's Bedini motor
James's Induction coil
James's Audio spark phone
James's 1.5v induction coil
James's classic Tesla coil
James's classic Tesla coil
James's with his audio arc phone
James's with his jacobs ladder
James's lights a fluorescent lamp
Phill Strauss
Phill Strauss prepares his coil
Phill Strauss
Phill Strauss coil arcs to breakout
Phill Strauss
Phill Strauss coil arcs to breakout
Phill Strauss
Phill Strauss coil arcs
Phill Strauss
Phill Strauss coil arcs
Phil Strauss
Power Arcing to earth
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck's synchronous rotary coil
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck's coil's arcs
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck's coil's arcs
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck's coil's arcs
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck coil breaks through to its primary
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck repaires the holes in his primary
Phil Tuck
As good as new....
Phil Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phill Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phil Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phil Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phil Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phill Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phill Tuck
and continues giving 8' Arcs.
Phil Tuck
Running Great
Phil Tuck
Running Great
Phil Tuck
Danger Live Terminals
Phil Tuck
Danger Live Terminals
Phil Tuck
Danger Live Terminals
Phil Tuck
Danger Live Terminals
Phil Tuck
Sign causes a burn on Phils Topload.

Amberley 2004


Amberley Teslathon 2004

Adrians Fretwells Coil Power arcing to a strike pole.

A long exposure of Adrians coil doing its thinng.

Arcs to at least 42"

Adrians Coil

An exhibit from the Milne collection at Amberley Museum

Amberley Museums VDG chucking foil dishes around.

Colin Heaths collection of SSTC's

Colins SSTC running !!

Colins SSTC Still Running.

Colins SSTC Still working

Bang !!! (note the cracks in the MOSFETS)

Colins collection of dead sillicon for the day.

My Collection of small coils.

My OLTC doing its Twinkle Twinkle effect

All of my Coils at Amberley

My OLTC Power arcing to Twinkle Twinkle.. (Movie 410K)

Mike Harrisons Marx giving a 1MV discharge..


Mikes Complete Marx setup.

Cambridge Teslathon 2013

Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Tesla coils
Tesla 1 kit
Alexes Tesla coils
Ran for a while and died...
Alexes Tesla coils
Ignition Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla coil control box
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla coil
Daves Jacobs Ladder
Daves Jacobs Ladder
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Dereks CWM
Dereks CWM
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks V8 tesla engine and tesla coil
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks arc of time - Tesla Clock
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks arc of time - Tesla Clock
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks V8 Tesla Engine Explodes
Dereks Tesla Coils
Spraying the desk and evrything in a 2M radius
Dereks Tesla Coils
It ran on 7 coils - until it blew again.
Dereks Tesla Coils
The Aetheriser entertains
Ian's Tesla coils
Ian's small SG Tesla coil
Ian's Tesla coils
Ian's small SG Tesla coil - sparks
Phil Strauss's Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss's Tesla Coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's wimshurst
Ian's wimshurst
Ian's ignition coil
Ian's ignition coil
Phil Strauss
Phils Tesla coil
Phil Strauss
Phil goes fishing
Phil Strauss
Phil goes fishing
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phils Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phils Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Goes fishing again
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss Adds more caps
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs to the roof
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil arcs to anything near by
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tucks tesla coil
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tucks tesla coil gave a great performance
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
until its rotary motor died
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tuck fishing again

Cambridge Teslathon 2012

Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Teslacoils
Alexes Tesla coils
Alexes Teslacoils
Alexes Auto Tesla coil lights a flourecent lamp
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil MMC and spark gap
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil primary
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil spark gap
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil MMC
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil Blower and DC Power supply
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil DC Power supply
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil - gun
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil gun with Gass
Tesla coil
Tesla coil gun
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Derek Woodroffes electronic Tesla coils
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Magnetic levitation
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Strike from Earth wire to Secondary kills Dereks Large DRSSTC while its switched off!
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
The Aetheriser does its stuff
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC (Vacuum Tube Tesla coil)
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a spinner
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a large spinner
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a scull breakout
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a scull breakout
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss prepared for first light of his new coil
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
and breaks the breakout
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phll Tuck stands by ready
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phll Tuck Assists Phil Strauss in setting up his coil
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
First light at 6 FEET!
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
First light at 6 FEET!
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
But his MMC breaks over
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Tuned up to nearly 7 Feet
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Ran superbly
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Even with MMC problems
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Not to bad for a first outing
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck Rotary Sparkgap Tesla Coil
Phil Tuck
Arcs to ground and roof.
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck
Ran very well
Phil Tuck
Untill his safety gap tracked over
Phil Tuck
But fairly easily fixed
Phil Tuck
Performed great
Phil Tuck
For the rest of the day
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Cambridge teslathon
Visitors Enjoy the show at the Cambridge Teslathon