Cambridge Teslathon 2005

Cambridge Teslathon 2005

Cambridge Teslathon 2005

My (Derek Woodroffe) SSTC2

My SSTC2 with a 1Kw Lamp Plasma globe

Me, Waiting for sparks from my OLTCII

Hay It Still Works.

And Continues to work..

Mark Hales Brought the last of his cubes of sodium. An placed then one by one into a bucket of water.

The Sodium was coated in oil and so took a while for the water to get into contact.

Contact !!

Another Peice, never got a really good contact with the water 

The last peice was squashed to give a better surface area.

Mike Harrison looking deeply into his new

Mike's Jacobs ladder-O-phone

Ans Mike's small Spark-O-phone.
(The pan pipes of death?)

Paul Benham brought his Big coil

And displayed some large streamers

Philip Strauss brought his excelent 20" bonetti machine.

Which gave 15+cm sparks

Steve Connor arrives with his DRSSTC in tow.

The DRSSTC survived the train trip wrapped in Steve's Sleaping Bag.
(Steve denys sleeping with it)

And it proceded to give excelent displays of sparks.

that were huge for its small size.

With no problems at all.

Steves DRSSTC with a spinner on top

Which It failed to move one inch.
Where as My OLTC drove it quite well.
See, DRSSTC's can't do Everything as well as OLTC's

Streamers avoiding  a sphere

More Arcs to the spheres.

And even more...

The Coilers and Visitors

And thanks to the
Cambridge museum of technology
for hosting the event.