My Stuff
Aetheriser ready to wipe a DVD
Aetheriser creating some Aether
Aetheriser on low power
DVD burning time
Electrostatic bottle motor
Franklin’s Door chimes (like Franklin’s bells)
1Mv Van De graff powering the display
Small Battery DRSSTC
The Aetheriser
Ping Pong Cyclotron
My Van De Graff and a Moving Static Display.
Alex’s Stuff
Plasma Ball and Tesla info display
The screech of audio being murdered by his audio modulated coil
One Tesla Controller
Alex’s Classic Coil
Jacobs ladder
One tesla coil (that didn’t explode this year)
Griffin & George Induction coil
A panel to confuse and confound the kids.
Filter caps from Alex’s coil
Filter caps from Alex’s coil
The Tesla Dalek
Small Classic coil and slayer tesla coils
Lighting Flourecent lap lighting from audio coil
Alex holds the ‘brown end’ of a flourecent lamp
Alex’s plasma ball
Dave’s Coil
Daves coil
Ran falwlessly
again at this years
Very Colourfull
Phil T and Phil S’s Coil(s)
and Phils
Ran without
a hatch over the
Fantastic engineering on the rorary Electrode holders
No smoke
To display
This year
Makes the
Captions hard to
create something new
to say
They swap
parts so I don’t
know whos
coil is whos
John and Steves’s stuff
Small Classic Tesla coil
An Ingnatron, Lacking vaccum (shame)
Rorating Topload
A Great little coil
John recharging
Steve’s coil with rotating Breakout
Marks battery powered coil.
(sorry no photo)
Other interesting stuff from Cambridge 2015
The visitors at Cambridge Teslathon
Always earth your ladders
Cam Tech’s Mercury Rectifier
Working for the first time
in 20+ years
The small time-vortex caused by a localised distortion in the force.
Also: Slow Motion Sparks from Cambridge Teslathon 2015
With thanks to all of the Coilers (and wives) who brought stuff and supported us, Staff and volunteers at Cambridge Museum of Technology who let us abuse their electricity supply for the day and the visitors who asked some great questions this year.
Watch this space for details of next years Teslathon at the end of October 2016.
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Tesla Coils and High Voltage