Category Archives: Cambridge

Teslathon & tesla workshop/talk Venues needed

EE are actively looking for venues for teslathons in the East Midlands for next year.

Places to hold our events are getting few and far between, mostly because of our “special” requirements.

What is a teslathon : A tesalthon is a meeting of tesla coil enthusiasts. Our tesla coils vary in size from tabletop to 3M tall and are all built by amateurs.

I have been running teslathons for 18+ years and have Risk assessments and method statements to cover the H&S aspects to our hobby.

So what do we need?

The Must have’s

A room with tables a minimum of 11M x 8M in size, on the ground floor that can be blacked out and a ceiling height of ideally more than 4M. Bigger of course is better. We usually have 20 or so coilers and 30-60 visitors to the events.

Plenty of 13A sockets (for our bigger events, a 32A Commando or accessible cooker socket would be needed, or an electrician on site to give support.)
Some method of providing a separate electrical earth. 10 or more tables.

Tea and coffee making facilities 🙂

Other needs (can generally be worked around)

The room needs a minimum (ideally non) of Burglar alarm, Fire alarm or network cables. Electronic lighting can be OK, but they must be high the ceiling. Fire sensors are generally OK, but they must not be of the ionisation type.

Ideal Venues are usually industrial museums or metal skinned warehouses/barns as these have a minimum of electronic equipment. We would like to work with the venues own insurance if possible, but we can provide our own if needed.

I also arrange workshops and talks with lesser requirements, so most venues can be used for something.

We can work in two ways, either a daily rental for the hall, paid by us,or we can work as a ticketed event to raise funds or awareness for a museum, venue or charity.

Before any booking, I would need to assess the venue for safety and suitability.

Have a suitable venue? (Or would like a talk at your venue) contact me

Details of past events are here and here

Cambridge Teslathon 2016

Steve’s Coils

Rogers Wimshurst and Van de Graff

Phill S and PhiI T’s coils

Phil’s video

Tony/Leicester Hack Space

Sam’s Tesla Coil and Plasma Globes.

Alex’s Display of Coils and High voltage stuff.

My (Extreme Electronics) Stuff

Dave B’s Coils.


Steve T’s Midi DRSSTC

Mark K’s battery tesla coil


Lucia N’s Collection of Magnetos and Induction coils. – Sorry I’ve got no photos. (can some one send me one to put here ?)

Video of the tesla coils at Cambridge Teslathon 2016

A big thanks to the Museum for having us again this year and to all the volunteers, coilers and visitors for making it a great success again.

Unfortunately due to Museum building work, there will be no Cambridge Teslathon 2017, but we hope to return in 2018





Mercury Rectifier – Cambridge Museum of Technology

After many years of sitting in a rack gathering dust, one of the volunteers at Cambridge museum of technology has resurrected their mercury rectifier.

It used to run a large DC Motor from the new-fangled AC mains. But this was soon superseded by a replacement.

The Rectifier has lain dormant since at least the 70’s. The Museum has managed to get a supply to the anodes and enough current via it’s ignitor circuit to get the tube lit up and working (although at much lower power).

A fantastic achievement that shows the engineering (and beauty?) of these rare devices. Much better than an odd shaped dust covered glass thingy in a rack.

Cambridge Teslathon 2015

My Stuff

My Van De Graff and a Moving Static Display.



Alex’s Stuff


Dave’s Coil

Phil T and Phil S’s Coil(s)



John and Steves’s stuff

Steve’s coil with rotating Breakout

Marks battery powered coil.

(sorry no photo)


Other interesting stuff from Cambridge 2015

Also: Slow Motion Sparks from Cambridge Teslathon 2015

With thanks to all of the Coilers (and wives) who brought stuff and supported us, Staff and volunteers at Cambridge Museum of Technology who let us abuse their electricity supply for the day and the visitors who asked some great questions this year.

Watch this space for details of next years Teslathon at the end of October 2016.


Cambridge Teslathon 2014

Thanks to all of the coilers and visitors to this years teslathon and of course a great thank you to the Cambridge museum of technology for hosting us again.

My Coils & Stuff

Phil S’s Coil

Phil T’s Coil

Alex’s Coils

Marks Coil

Anders’s Coil and Gessler Tubes

Dave B’s Coil

John’s Coils and Equipment


Then Steve’s coil opened up a rift in the Aether and we were all sucked in. Back next year.

Cambridge Teslathon 2013

Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Tesla coils
Tesla 1 kit
Alexes Tesla coils
Ran for a while and died...
Alexes Tesla coils
Ignition Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla coil control box
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla coil
Daves Jacobs Ladder
Daves Jacobs Ladder
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Daves Tesla Coil
Dereks CWM
Dereks CWM
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks V8 tesla engine and tesla coil
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks arc of time - Tesla Clock
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks arc of time - Tesla Clock
Dereks Tesla Coils
Dereks V8 Tesla Engine Explodes
Dereks Tesla Coils
Spraying the desk and evrything in a 2M radius
Dereks Tesla Coils
It ran on 7 coils - until it blew again.
Dereks Tesla Coils
The Aetheriser entertains
Ian's Tesla coils
Ian's small SG Tesla coil
Ian's Tesla coils
Ian's small SG Tesla coil - sparks
Phil Strauss's Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss's Tesla Coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's Ignition coil
Ian's wimshurst
Ian's wimshurst
Ian's ignition coil
Ian's ignition coil
Phil Strauss
Phils Tesla coil
Phil Strauss
Phil goes fishing
Phil Strauss
Phil goes fishing
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phils Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phils Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Goes fishing again
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss Adds more caps
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs to the roof
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil arcs to anything near by
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Strauss Tesla coil
Phil Strauss tesla coil more arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tucks tesla coil
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tucks tesla coil gave a great performance
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
until its rotary motor died
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Gives some great Arcs
Phil Tuck's Tesla coil
Phil Tuck fishing again

Cambridge Teslathon 2012

Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Ignition Coil
Alexes Teslacoils
Alexes Tesla coils
Alexes Teslacoils
Alexes Auto Tesla coil lights a flourecent lamp
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil MMC and spark gap
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil primary
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil spark gap
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil MMC
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil Blower and DC Power supply
Dave Bullimores Tesla coil
Dave Bullmores Tesla coil DC Power supply
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil - gun
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil
Tesla coil gun with Gass
Tesla coil
Tesla coil gun
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Derek Woodroffes electronic Tesla coils
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Magnetic levitation
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
Strike from Earth wire to Secondary kills Dereks Large DRSSTC while its switched off!
Derek Woodroffes Tesla coils
The Aetheriser does its stuff
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC (Vacuum Tube Tesla coil)
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a spinner
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a large spinner
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a scull breakout
Earls VTTC Vacuum Tube Tesla Coil
Earls VTTC with a scull breakout
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phil Strauss prepared for first light of his new coil
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
and breaks the breakout
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phll Tuck stands by ready
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Phll Tuck Assists Phil Strauss in setting up his coil
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
First light at 6 FEET!
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
First light at 6 FEET!
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
But his MMC breaks over
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Fixed with a sheet of Acrylic
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Tuned up to nearly 7 Feet
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Ran superbly
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Even with MMC problems
Phil Strauss Tesla Coil
Not to bad for a first outing
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck Rotary Sparkgap Tesla Coil
Phil Tuck
Arcs to ground and roof.
Phil Tuck
Phil Tuck
Ran very well
Phil Tuck
Untill his safety gap tracked over
Phil Tuck
But fairly easily fixed
Phil Tuck
Performed great
Phil Tuck
For the rest of the day
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Phil Tuck
Some CDs as a breakout
Cambridge teslathon
Visitors Enjoy the show at the Cambridge Teslathon

Cambridge Teslathon 2011

Joan Drsstc Tesla coil
Dereks Joan DRSSTC
Dereks Halo Solid State Tesla coil
Dereks Halo SSTC
Dereks DRSSTC Noah
The Aetheriser
Dereks Aetheriser - Aetherising
DRSSTC Tesla Coil
Dereks DRSSTC give some Arcs
DRSSTC Tesla Coil
The Aetheriser - Erasing a CD
The Aetheriser - Erasing a CD
Earls Magnifier
Earls Tesla Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier Tesla coil
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Philip Strauss
Philip Strauss builds his coil
Philip Strauss
Philip Strauss's power supply
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Phil Strauss's tesla coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Philip Tuck
Philip Tuck consults the gods of coiling
Philip Tuck's coil
Safety warning
Philip Tucks tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Earl with Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Strauss's coil
Phil Tucks coil and the farady cage
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's tesla coil
Philip Tuck's kills some caps

Cambridge Teslathon 2010

My New SSTC - Failed after a earth backlash from a bigger coil

The Smallest DRSSTC
The Smallest DRSSTC in the world (unless you know different)
The Dangers of a Teslathon
When the Tesla Coils are not the only danger - Lights falling from the roof..
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier Running
Earls Magnifier
Really Great
Earls Magnifier
Slight Burning Smell
Earls Magnifier
But Brilliant Arcs
Earls Magnifier
Filled the hall
Earls Magnifier
A great display
Alex's small SG TC
James's small SG TC
James Badini Motor
James's Badini Motor generating enough power for both big coils in the room from a 12V supply :o)
James Badini Motor
The neatness of the wiring is the key to its efficency

Mike Harrisons Marx
Mike Harrison made a breif appearance with his Marx
Nicks newly built DRSSTC
Nicks newly built Cap Bank
Nicks newly built Cap Bank
Nicks DRSSTC Running
Nicks Cap bank limiting inductor and working coil - Hard disk platten not shown as it was embedded in the lights.
Phils Rotary TC
Phils Coil
Phils Rotary TC
Made great big
Phils Rotary TC
Phils Rotary TC
All Weekend
Phils Rotary TC
and was a great performer
Phils Rotary TC
The Banjo Effect
Phils Rotary TC
More Lighting abuse
Phils Rotary TC
and you wonder why they fall of the roof..
Phils Rotary TC
More Banjo
Phils Rotary TC
Power Arcs to a sphere
Phils Rotary TC
Wow - two lights at once !!
Phils Rotary TC
No spiders were hurt in this demonstration
Phils Rotary TC
Until his variac Failed
Phils Rotary TC
But fixed it by using his hand and gold ring as the moving contact :o)
Steve a new exhibitor at Cambridge
Brought a demo of wireless energy
And his DRSSTC
Which Worked very well
For most of the weekend
with a superb
Finite element coiled topload

Cambridge Teslathon 2009

Alec's SSTC
Alec's SSTC
Alec's SSTC
Gives some great CW discharges
Alec's SSTC
and entertained us all
with a range of music
Alec's SSTC
and sparks from the breakouts

Anders Mikkelsen  SSTC
Anders's Mikkelsen brought his SSTC
from Norway
Anders Mikkelsen  SSTC
which After some
running maintenance
Anders Mikkelsen  SSTC
Gave a great display
Derek Woodroffes Maggot
Derek Woodroffes Maggot

 Derek Woodroffes Maggot
Shows its stuff
Derek Woodroffes Noah
Derek Woodroffes Noah,
Which failed totally
due to being left in a damp
car overnight
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Primary and Secondary

Earls Magnifier
Earls Magnifier
Joined by a feeder
Earls Magnifier
Gave some large sparks
Earls Magnifier
and power arcs

Earls Magnifier
to a spherical earthed target

Cap Bank & Can crusher
Dave Bullimore's Cap Bank & Can crusher

The start of a DRSSTC

With some novel cooling
Karim's DRSSTC
Karim's DRSSTC Gave a nice display
Karim's DRSSTC
Sat on a trailer
Karim's DRSSTC
Until the Variac failed.

Melvins's DRSSTC
Sam and his DRSSTC
Melvins's DRSSTC
Melvins's DRSSTC
Arcs to earth
Nick & Robbies SSTC
Nick & Robbies SSTC

Nick & Robbies SSTC
Illuminate some nixie tubes.
Phils Teslacoil
Phils RSG Teslacoil
Phils Teslacoil
Gave a great show after
some tuning by Mike Tucknott
Phils Teslacoil
Sam's Tesla Coil

Sam's Teslacoil
Sam's Tesla coil

Two Special Pictures from this years Cambridge Teslathon

Thanks to the Cambridge Museum of technology for allowing us to use their hall and power.