Derby Teslathon 2005

Uk Teslathon Derby 2005

Uk Teslathon Derby 2005

Adams OLTC

Actually Works 13" Power Arcs

Until It arced to the IGBT's

Adam Taking it apart
A Diathermy Probe (Watchout Ladies !!)

An Old Diathermy machine Im sure this would not be good for you !!

My( Derek Woodroffe) Set of Coils
A Visitor plays with Ikle Tess My CW Multiplier has a hair raising experiance.
Mark Hales Brought some interesting glassware.

Pault Benhams SGTC
Streamers from Pauls coil 5'+ Arcs
Tickleing the ceiling

Steve Connors DRSSTC
Setup Streamers
38" arc to earth

Phill Parry and Finn Hammer make a toroid

For Steve Connors OLTCII Which gave 5'+  arcs to earth and larege streamers

and power arcs,

Untill It struck the control cable

The Coilers and Visitors