Another great High Voltage meet at Papplewick Pumping station this year.
These are some photos and videos from the event.
Derek’s Coils and Stuff…
Pi Twin Pi Twim Large Wimshurst Pi Twins playing Ext Kits mini Wimshurst prototype
Extreme kits mini Wimshurst powers a ping pong accelerator
Large Wimshurst throws some sparks
Steve’s Tesla Coil
Steve Arrives with his coil Placed in the only space big enough Arcs to roof trusses Then plays it with a guitar With BIG sparks….
Roger’s VDG, Geissler tubes and Wimshurst
Geissler TubesWimshurst Machine and Van De Graaff
Van De Graaff with a charged ball
Alec’s Collection
Coils, Wireless Power transmission SSTC, Buzz wire game and more coils.
Dave’s Coils
Large Rotary coil Small Static Gap Coil Close up of the large rotaty coil
Andrew’s collection
Violet Ray, hand wound HV generator Ping pong Accelerator, Jacobs ladder etc.
Roberts stuff
3 phase Jacobs ladder
And a load of HV stuff around the entrance.
Gary’s Jacobs ladder & Flyback TC
Simon and Mark
Kelvin Thunderstorm Kelvin Thunderstorm Kelvin Thunderstorm Simon’s Nixies
Carl’s Tesla coil
Carl’s Coil Carl’s Rotary
Thanks to Andy B and Alex L for many of the above and Mark K for these below.
Please return Its likely I’ll get sent more pics and videos that I’ll post here. (email me if you have a pic or video)