A workshop to get from basic electrical/electronic knowledge to building your first Tesla Coil, Safely.
Preliminary information (may change)
A short course to go from the basics to building your own tesla coil.

Saturday October 26th 2019 on Notts Derbys border, £10 per head (All proceeds to the local Scout group)
We aim to give you the theory and some useful building tips, with some HV demonstrations along the way.
Both Classic Tesla coils and Electronic tesla coils will be covered in two, two hour sessions.
To Book a Place
To book a place for the workshop, please email me at tesla@extremeelectronics.co.uk , please include “Tesla Coil Building Workshop” in the subject.
A working knowledge of electricity and basic electrical components (caps resistors inductors transformers)
Basic 240V electrical safety, earthing, insulation, fusing.
Must be aged over 18.
Presented By
Some of the UK’s most experienced Tesla coilers.
To include all, or part of, to a greater or lesser degree, the items below, and not necessarily in this order:-
Pupman Safety Sheet | High voltages | High Currents | Ozone | UV | Earthing | Key In pocket
The Tesla Coil Circuit
What is a teslacoil
Rough Explanation
Types of Classic TC
Classic | Magnifier | (More detail later on SSTC | DRSSTC)
Components of a classic Tesla Coil
Power Supply
Demo: Jacobs Ladder
Spark Gap
Single | Multiple | Rotary
Primary Capacitor
Voltage rating | ESR (ESL) | Pulse Caps | MMC
Demo: Cap discharge via Sausage
Primary Coil
Current | Skin Effect | Resistance | Tapping
Demo: Ring Flip
Secondary Coil
Formers | Winding | Sealing
Types – Toroid| Sphere
Capacitance | E-Field | Breakout voltage | Construction
Duct Pie trays & Foil | Spun Aluminium | Other
Demo: CWM with different sized toploads.
Breakout point
Tesla coil Secondary
Java TC | Tuning methods | pinger
Break for refreshments
Electronic Tesla coils.
The presenters get to throw some sparks from their equipment.
Open questions
Please Note:
All demonstrations are dependant on the availability of equipment at the time and safety concerns.
All of the above is subject to change, up-to and possibly during the event.
When / Where…
To be held on Notts / Derbys border (details on application).
For more information, please join the Tesla Workshop Mailing list and /or follow @extelec on twitter.
If you have built, or are building a tesla coil, you are welcome to bring it along, but please contact me first.
Cost: £10 per head, to cover cost of hall. All proceeds to the Local Scout Group.
Places are limited.
To Book a Place
To book a place for the workshop, please email me at tesla@extremeelectronics.co.uk please include “Tesla Coil Building Workshop” in the subject.
Extreme Electronics will not be held responsible for any electric shock, burn or injury. These courses and any information given, are done in good faith. All high voltage equipment and experiments based on items from EE are done entirely at your own risk. Please read our safety instructions. IF YOU ARE UNSURE, DON’T DO IT.