The BLF runs (at the moment) in a PIC12F510 processor.
The Source code was written in XC8 and is still test code 21-5-16 – downloadable here.
The HEX can be obtained via an email to
I program the processor using a PIC KIT V3, but any compatible PIC programmer should be fine.
I intend to try the 12F675 soon, please note the settings for this processor are untried at present.
Software Description
The software runs around a loop running these routines in order.
void DoEyes(void);
Takes the inout from the two proximity sensors and applies debounce and a time domain shmitt function to get a clear Black/White signal for each
void MotorLogic(void);
Turns on the correct motor, or motors depending on the Shmitted Eye information. Applyes a wait condition if both Eyes have been black for a number of seconds.
void DoWait(void);
If wait has been applied Stop both motors and check for one or both Eyes to see White again.
void DoLed(void);
Show the current status using the led cadence.
void DoPulsing(void);
Apply a pulse to each motor in turn. (runs better than continuous)
void DoPWM(void);
Allows for the intensity of each motor to be varied
void DoTest(void);
Useful routine to add in code for testing. Normally the call for this is commented out.
Later versions (20-5-16 onwards) have the ability to do automatic calibration if you are using the PIC12F675
Details of the calibration software routines will come later.